What did Americans know about the Holocaust as it was happening?

The answers lie in newspaper history. And the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum needs your help discovering them.

Get Started Now

Newspapers.com invites you to join a volunteer-driven effort to collect American news stories between 1933 and 1945 that will help inform—and maybe even appear in—an upcoming exhibit at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.

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A little time on Newspapers.com can make a big difference to History Unfolded. Here's how:

  1. Create account

    1 Simply create an account on
    History Unfolded.

  2. Learn and research

    2Learn about Holocaust-related events and choose the ones you'd like to help research.

  3. Search newspaper archives

    3Search Newspapers.com for related articles in U.S. newspapers between 1933 and 1945. Don't have a Newspapers.com membership? Join/Upgrade now or use other newspaper archives to contribute to the project.

  4. Clip your discoveries

    4Easily “clip” your discoveries and save them on History Unfolded.

Articles you clip and save to History Unfolded will become part of a new national database available to the public and may inform research and programs at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Learn more about History Unfolded

Ready to Help?
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Building
Photo by Timothy Hursley

About the Museum

Located on the National Mall in Washington D.C., the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is a living memorial to the Holocaust that is inspiring citizens and leaders to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity in a constantly changing world. Learn more at ushmm.org.

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